Remote Improv Team Building - Hosted Improv Virtual Games
Remote IMPROV Team Building - Hosted Improv Virtual Games
Virtual Improv for Team Building - Remote Team Bonding
Is you company looking for fun team building and connecting online? Drive fun and remote connection through custom improv games, events, and experiences. Engage Remote Workers. Remote Team Building.
Virtual and Remote Team Building Improv - Online Office Improv Game Fun
Host Scott Topper leads your team on a series of games and mini challenges designed to be high energy and engage your team. Our virtual game master will host 60 minutes of games and challenges. Team Building.
Virtual Team Improv is now offered as a single session or a 60-minute lunch n' learn workshop.
Break the ice with Scott’s Virtual Team Improv session! This activity was designed to bring remote teams together while having fun in the process! Led by three-time Emmy nominated TV Show Host Scott Topper.
What is online improv?
Improv—short for improvisation—is a form of live theater in which all aspects of the performance, including the dialogue, plot, and characters, are made up on the spot.
Improvisational comedy is created entirely in the moment. Television shows like “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” or MTV’s “Wild ’n Out” feature a specific style of improv known as “short-form,” in which actors create spontaneous comedy with the help of preset scenarios or “games.” If you’ve ever played charades or made up a song, congratulations—you’ve done short-form improv comedy.
What is the history of virtual improv?
Though its roots go back to commedia dell’arte of the 16th century, the history of improv as we know it didn’t start until the mid-1900s. That’s when (now-iconic) ensembles like the Compass Players, the Second City, and the Committee were formed.
What are the basic rules of VIRTUAL REMOTE TEAM improv?
The most basic rule of online improv can be summed up in two words: “Yes, and.” No matter what your partner says during a scene, your job is to build on that, by agreeing with (“yes”) and adding to (“and”) their statement. To do improv successfully, you’ll need to establish characters and plot through collaboration (“yes, and”) rather than negation (“no, but”).
Online improv teaches us to listen more patiently and to respond more slowly than we may be accustomed. That allows us to be present to colleagues and friends in ways that we may never before have been. Do you jump in to respond to people before they’re done talking? One of the most powerful lessons is that you have to let the other person finish his her or her sentence, because it may end with a surprise that takes everything in a new direction. At the very least, others will notice and appreciate how you really listen to them.
Remember, an online improv class is one of the few places in life where you have permission to genuinely “fail” without fear. By definition, you’re experimenting and trying things on without judgment. For those of us uptight people who feel the need to say or do the perfect thing, we too often freeze up in the clutch and say or do nothing. That’s not exactly peak performance. Working at building up our improv muscles is a powerful counterforce that can help in every kind of professional situation.
Virtual Team Building Improv takes courage--but not as much courage as you might imagine, especially when you realize how much everyone around you is in the same boat.